1. Be Respectful
Treat others with kindness and respect: avoid offensive language, hate speech, or any form of harassment. Together, let’s maintain a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.
2. No Spamming or Self-Promotion
Refrain from excessive or repetitive messages and do not promote personal content, services, or products unless explicitly permitted. Promoting your own Minecraft servers is allowed in #off-topic-chat.
3. Stay On-Topic
Keep discussions in game-chat channels relevant to our Minecraft server. Off-topic conversations are welcome in #off-topic-chat.
4. No NSFW Content
This is a family-friendly server. Do not share explicit images or NSFW content.
5. Respect Each Other’s Privacy
Do not share personal information about yourself or others. Protect your privacy and that of other Ghentian Server members.
The Ghentian Server Discord & Minecraft servers cannot be held responsible for the theft of personal data such as bank or identity information, as these are not processed by the servers.
6. Listen to the Moderators
Our moderators are here to maintain order and ensure everyone has a good time. Follow their instructions and respond promptly to their requests.
7. Report Issues
If you encounter concerning behavior or inappropriate content, report it immediately to @GS Moderator. Together, we can create a safe and enjoyable environment.
8. Server Language
The primary language of our Discord server is Dutch; however, English is also allowed.
9. Follow Discord’s Community Guidelines
Adhere to Discord’s Terms of Service (TOS) and Community Guidelines. This includes respecting age restrictions and complying with platform rules.
10. Server Invitations
Inviting others to join is both allowed and encouraged. The more, the merrier!
11. Rule Adjustments
These rules may be updated or revised at any time based on the server’s evolution and needs. Members will be notified of changes via a clear and appropriate announcement (server ping).
12. Acceptance of the Rules
By joining this server, all members are expected to review these rules. By doing so, every member implicitly agrees to them. In case of rule updates, members are free to leave the server if they do not agree.
13. Have Fun!
Most importantly: enjoy your time on Ghentian Server! Share your experiences and skills, learn from others, and contribute positively to our growing community.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in appropriate actions, including warnings, temporary mutes, or bans from both the Discord and/or Minecraft servers.
Last updated: Sunday, 5 January 2025